Useful links

The five CCAB bodies and CIMA:

ICAEW  ACCA CIPFA ICAS CIMA Chartered Accountants Ireland

The Dutch bodies we actively work with:


The international accounting organisations that impact our profession:

Accounting Standards Board

Accountancy Europe

IFRS foundation and IASB - International Accounting Standards Board

IFAC - International Federation of Accountants

AICPA -Association of International Certified Professional Accountants

IFRS & other knowledge update sites:

IFRS foundation


IFAC Knowledge net

ICAEW - facilities online

CIMA FM Financial Management a monthly magazine

CIMA Global Management Accounting Principles

CIMA research and newsletters News, background and debate from the NBA (mostly in Dutch)

We welcome any additions to these useful links which you might want to share with your fellow professionals. Please send these suggestions to our secretary.